Re: List item and marker box layout

> When a list-style-position is set to outside and the list item
> element contains no content does the marker box change the size
> of the principal box?
> <div>
>         <div style="display:list-item;">Text</div>
>         <div style="display:list-item;"></div>
>         <div style="display:list-item;">Text</div>
> </div>
> Since the second list item has no content it should have no
> height. Does the marker now determine the height for the second
> div? I don't believe it should since the marker is not part of
> the principal block box. If it does not expand the height of
> the div then it is also possible for makers to overlap in some
> scenarios.

  Add to definition for 'outside': "The size of the marker box
  may affect the height of the principal block box and/or the
  height of its first line box."

fantasai and Arron Eicholz

Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 23:32:39 UTC