Re: [Selectors] Attribute Selectors with Empty Values

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> Hi,
>   I came across this issue while working on the Selectors API test 
> suite.  It's not clear from the Selectors spec whether or not these 
> selectors should match any elements:
> [class^=""]
> [class$=""]
> [class*=""]
> Given this element:
> <p class="foo">
> It seems that browsers disagree on this issue too.  Opera matches all of 
> them, Firefox 3 matches both $= and ^=, but not *=, and WebKit matches 
> none.
> This selectors test suite [1] actually requires WebKit's behaviour, but 
> I just can't find where this is defined in the spec.
> [1]

Hi Lachlan,

The CSSWG discussed this issue awhile back and decided that those
selectors should match nothing. The edits haven't made it into the
spec yet. See


Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2008 15:49:38 UTC