Re: [CSS21] Why are browser default style values different from Appendix D

Saloni Mira Rai wrote:
> Hello,
> Reviving this old thread...
> Using Alan's template, I updated the table with em values where appropriate. The rows where there is a difference between the majority of browsers and default style are marked as red.
> Thanks,
> Saloni

Thank you Saloni. I wasn't wanting to spend the time to change all those 
heading values from pixels to ems.

You are still missing from your table the padding-start for the <ol> and 
<ul> elements. On my table this property is indicated by the rows with 
the pink background.

Gecko and Safari have padding-start in there default style sheets. Opera 
must have a padding-start but I can find no references to Opera's 
default style sheet on the Opera site. IE8b has this padding-start which 
has replaced the margin-left seen in IE7. The difference between IE7 and 
  IE8 is clearly seen in this test case.

Also you have all the default vertical margins for IE8 given as 1em but 
IE8 is still showing 1.2em for these.

Is IE8b2 (or final release) going to change these default vertical 
margins to the final styles of 1em?

This really needs to be standardized since many CSS authors still use 
the universal reset [1] that flatten all implementations default style 
sheets, thus complicating any authors style sheet.



Received on Monday, 7 July 2008 06:43:27 UTC