Re: [CSS21] should text-decoration propagate to table-cells from table or above?

Zachary Weinberg wrote:
> Consider the fragment
> <div style="text-decoration:line-through">
> <table style="text-decoration:underline">
> <tr style="text-decoration:overline">
> <td>cell contents</td></tr></table></div>
> (Assume strict HTML4 with no other explicit CSS rules in effect.)
> What visual rendering should this have; in particular, what
> decorations should be applied to the text "cell contents"? 
> A TABLE is a block-level element, but TD and TR are not - but
> they're not inline-level elements either.  Thus a literal reading
> of the propagation rules in CSS2.1 section 16.3.1 suggests that
> no lines are drawn at all.

Added as CSS2.1 Issue 56:

If you have a test case for this, can you please post the URL?


Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 16:06:55 UTC