- From: Ash Searle <ash@hexmen.com>
- Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 10:13:24 +0100
- To: www-style@w3.org
The attribute selector [att|=val] is extremely restricted, aimed at solving a single problem (language specific styling based on hyphenated language codes.) I'm wondering if it would be possible to either expand the definition (preferable) or introduce a new operator to handle whitespace-separated hyphenated codes. An example should help: A web-app uses the "class" attribute to its full potential, inserting a model-number for "general processing by user agents": <p>Have you seen our new <a href="#" class="model-B002">fandango</a>?</p> This can easily be styled with: [class|=model] { ... } But, as soon as we introduce an additional class ("new"), we have an ordering dependency where this would be styled: <p>Have you seen our new <a href="#" class="model-B002 new">fandango</a>?</p> But this wouldn't be: <p>Have you seen our new <a href="#" class="new model-B002">fandango</a>?</p> Would it cause problems to change the definintion to have wider applicability? <p>Shall we discuss this at our <span class="dtstart-20080703T1400 dtend-20080703T1530">next meeting</span>???</p> Just a thought, Ash References: (two w3 site-references removed due to dumb list-filtering)
Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 15:29:26 UTC