Time to drop "almost standards mode"?

The amounts of duplicates in  
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22274 seems to keep growing.  
Now with bugs about SVG inside table cells instead of spacer gifs. Maybe  
it is time to reconsider and specify the behavior of "almost standards  
mode" (which Internet Explorer exhibits in "standards mode" as I  
understand it) in CSS 2.1 thereby effectively obsoleting the need for  
"almost standards mode".

is the old article on this subject (though it was previously located on  

To potential ways we can solve this:

* Introduce a CSS new property to toggle between the different behaviours  
defaulting to the "almost standards mode" one for HTML table elements.

* Change the CSS model to behave like "almost standards mode" does now.  
And maybe going forward introduce a new property to get the behavior  
described now if that's desirable.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 18:09:17 UTC