Re[2]: css with attribues [off-topic]


>> I am fairly sure that the web designers of the time would have been
>> happy or even happier with just having more and more presentational
>> attributes piled onto HTML.
BK> As someone who typically hand-codes pages, I find such pages
BK> reprehensible and extremely difficult to edit.

Excuse me, for what are you editing these pages ?
Any comminity has own requirements for pages,
in other cases it's plagiarism.

BK>  I for ... eventual elimination of tag soup (we can hope).

Now next elimination of tag soup is harmfull
(because inconvenience for hand-coding)
like current political correctness
(when it's impossible to name things by their names).

Dmitry Turin
SQL5      (5.10.0)
HTML6     (6. 5.2)
Unicode7  (7. 2.1)
Computer2 (2. 0.2)

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 10:14:07 UTC