Re: standards and compatibility discussion

Alex Mogilevsky wrote:

 > It is great we have started a discussion on compatibility and
 > standards here. There are great points being made. We have done
 > extensive analysis of compatibility issues and options for IE8,
 > which we plan to publish shortly (I would say in a few days, but
 > we'll have to account for holiday season). We can continue
 > compatibility discussion now but it seems it would be much more
 > productive if we have a chance to share our research first. Could
 > we get back to this in a couple of weeks?

We've now seen your announcement and the debates it has caused [1].
However, I didn't see any pointers to the research you mentioned.
Would you be able to share your research with us now?



              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 02:48:55 UTC