Re: [CSS MQ] high-contrast-screen, accessibility

Also sprach Andrew Fedoniouk:

 > Is it possible to add in media queries [1] value that will 
 > indicate that UA is running with high-contrast-screen settings?
 > I think that it should be: 
 > high-contrast,  high-contrast-black and high-contrast-white
 > media types/
 > In practice high-contrast with support of 
 > system colors in CSS is enough but we observed 
 > situations when separate tweaking for high-contrast-black 
 > and high-contrast-white would be desirable. 

Adding this feature would require UAs to add contrast modes, I
believe. I'm not sure they are all prepared to do so at this stage.

In Opera, we support this by way of CSS; View-Style->...

So, UAs are able to add these modes, but I'm not sure it can be


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 17:27:56 UTC