Re: a#val , [id="val"]

Dmitry Turin wrote:
> Now we have two manner to specify value of attribute @id:
>   #val
> and
>   [id="val"]

The former doesn't specify @id, it specifies any attribute of type ID.  So it's 
very much not the same thing as the [id="val"] selector.  It's easy to write 
testcases where one selector matches and the other does not.

> Advantage, which we will get, is possibility to use tag
> with spec-symbol # in its name

You can already select such tags:

   foo\#bar { styles here }

> I also propose to allow any spec-symbol &, ^, @, ~, %, $
> in name of a tag for future extentions.

Same thing.  You can already put these in tagnames if you escape them.  This is 
true for all Unicode characters.


Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 16:42:01 UTC