Re: scroll bar size in width calculations

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008 8:39 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Height of HTML document by its nature is a function from its width.
>       height = F( width )
>     When this height exceeds height of the view then v-scrollbar appears
>     that is effectively changes 'width' in the equation above so you have
>     second dependency:
>       width = B( height )
>     System of these two equitations is a classical "positive feedback"
>     condition. Solution of such a system may "hunt" or oscillate at some
>     input values ( e.g. when intrinsic dimensions of the content is close to
>     the size of the view). More on this: Nyquist criterion [1] and around.
> It's not that bad because there are only 4 possible solutions to the 
> scrollbar problem: show/hide vertical scrollbar x show/hide horizontal 
> scrollbar. In the worst case you can check each of these solutions to 
> see which ones are feasible, where "feasible" means that each scrollbar 
> is showing if and only if it is needed. If multiple solutions are 
> feasible, then you pick one using whatever heuristic you like. Our 
> heuristics are basically, in order of priority,
> 1) prefer to show no scrollbars
> 2) prefer to preserve the current vertical scrollbar visibility (this is 
> for performance, showing/hiding the vertical scrollbar changes the 
> available width of the contents, so it's expensive)
> 3) prefer to hide the horizontal scrollbar (showing/hiding the 
> horizontal scrollbar is cheap)
> If no solutions are feasible then we show whatever scrollbars we're 
> allowed to, so at least the user can scroll to see all the content.
> if you're interested :-).

I am not sure but that appears as a bit complicated.
Here (in attachment) is what I have here. Not ideal too but works.
Hope it will help to find something better.


Andrew Fedoniouk.
  void block::update_scrollbars( view& v )
      const style& cs = current_style(v);
      int overflow_x = cs.overflow_x;
      int overflow_y = cs.overflow_y;

      bool hsb_needed = (overflow_x == overflow_auto || overflow_x == overflow_scroll);
      bool vsb_needed = (overflow_y == overflow_auto || overflow_y == overflow_scroll);
      // 'sb' here is a scrollbar control structure - sb.hsb and sb.vsb are pointers to
      // struct scrollbar instances. 

      if( sb.hsb == 0 && !hsb_needed && sb.vsb == 0 && !vsb_needed )

      scroll_data scd;
      for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        int  minwidth    = scd.dim_doc.x;  
        bool relayout_y  =  !hsb_needed?
                            sb.set_h(scd.pos.x, 0, minwidth, scd.dim_view.x, overflow_x == overflow_scroll);
        if( relayout_y) 
          set_height(v, dim.y);
        int  minheight   = scd.dim_doc.y; 
        bool relayout_x  = !vsb_needed?
                            sb.set_v(scd.pos.y, 0, minheight, scd.dim_view.y, overflow_y == overflow_scroll);
        if( relayout_x )
          set_height(v, dim.y);
        else if ( minwidth  == scd.dim_doc.x)
      point sp;
      sp.y = limit(scd.pos.y,0,scd.dim_doc.y-scd.dim_view.y);
      sp.x = limit(scd.pos.x,0,scd.dim_doc.x-scd.dim_view.x);
      if( scd.pos != sp )

      sb.refresh(v, this);

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 08:27:31 UTC