Re: float:center

David, I've fully supported your position here
so far, but when you claim that float:centre
"doesn't allow separation of content and styling",
I do not see the logic of your argument.  I assume
that you believe that float:{left|right} do allow
such separation, so could you explain why you
perceive "centre" as a special case ?

David Woolley wrote:

> [...]  that it is rarely, if ever, used in traditional media, even though 
> those media don't impose restrictions on its use, implying a lack of 
> real demand (and that the proposed use case doesn't coexist well with 
> fluid layouts (and doesn't allow separation of content and styling, 
> although this last point hasn't been raised before)).

Received on Saturday, 5 January 2008 10:40:57 UTC