background-position and bidi in CSS 2.1

Currently implementing background-* properties in BlueGriffon,
I have found two issues in the case of a rtl document:

1. we miss the values 'start' and 'end' for horizontal position
    and that's is incredibly painful for rtl documents.

2. a length always aligns the top left corner of the image.The
    definition for <length> values should probably be bidified
    and use "top right" corner in case of rtl. If it's not the
    case, it forces web authors to make computations that are not
    existing in the case of ltr.
    I have a good example : make an arbitrary background image non
    tiling aligned with the top start corner of the content edge
    of a box having a left padding of 10px and a right padding of 7px.
    Trivial for ltr, painful for rtl. Preserving the behaviour if
    the width of the box changes will require JS in rtl documents.


Received on Sunday, 14 December 2008 04:52:53 UTC