Re: [CSS21] Orphans and Widows [css-page]

Grant, Melinda wrote:
> The 'orphans' and 'widows' properties in 2.1 are defined with respect to 
> 'the minimum number of lines of a paragraph'.
> I suggest changing this to 'the minimum number of line boxes in a 
> block element'.

This should probably be specific to what css3-box calls "inline flow root"s.
But agreed that this could be more precise. We'll need to reflect any changes
into css3-page.

> I also suggest adding:
> "The UA may also apply 'orphans' and 'widows' to elements with other 
> display types, such as:
>     table: the value applies to the minimum number of table-rows which 
> must be left at the bottom or top of the page.
>     table-row: the value indicates the minimum number of line boxes 
> within the table row which must be left at the bottom or top of the page.
>     lists: the value indicates the minimum number of list items which 
> must be left at the bottom or top of the page.
> "

I don't think we can do this. 'widows' and 'orphans' currently apply to
the "paragraph" (if I define "paragraph" as "a block that contains only
inline boxes"). They also inherit, which means to set widows and orphans
for a whole document I set them on the root. Having these properties
suddenly mean something different when they get to a table would be very

Also wrt lists: we have list-item boxes, which are special, but a list
like <ol> is just a regular block element that under standard HTML rendering
happens to contain only list-item boxes.


Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 22:53:32 UTC