Re: FW: NoWrap property

fantasai wrote:
> Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>> In Gecko we follow two principles:
>> 1) Break opportunities induced by white space are entirely governed by 
>>    the value of the 'white-space' property on the enclosing element. 
>> So,    spaces that are white-space:nowrap never create break 
>> opportunities.
>> But
>> 2) When a break opportunity exists between two non-white-space    
>> characters, e.g. between two Kanji characters, we consult the value of 
>>    'white-space' for the nearest common ancestor element of the two    
>> characters to decide if the break is allowed.
>> I think these principles are reasonably intuitive and useful.
> I agree with these.
>> The first principle explains our rendering of your testcases. In your 
>> third testcase, the space after the nowrap span is collapsed away but 
>> we still allow it to create a linebreak opportunity, since it's 
>> white-space:normal.
> This is something that's not clear in the spec: does removed whitespace still
> create a break opportunity? It would be good to discuss this in the context
> of what we want for CSS3. E.g. suppose there is a 'discard' value for white
> space.

I've logged this as issue 91:

And for CSS3, ISSUE-75


Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 22:28:24 UTC