Re: WebFonts ready for use

Maciej Stachowiak:
> On Apr 30, 2008, at 1:15 AM, Erik Dahlström wrote:
>> Once a webfont has been installed for use in a UA I don't see why  
>> it would have to be limited to the webpage that included the @font- 
>> face.
> Also, it would make it difficult for authors to serve a font only  
> licensed for embedding in documents they produce, since the UA may  
> use it for other documents without any deliberate action on the  
> part of either the site or the user.

This is why I think it's a viable business model for font vendors to  
introduce licenses that allow CSS "embedding" from their servers  
only, possibly with Referer checking (of course it's not reliable,  
but fonts are optional after all). This way everybody gets the most  
recent version, it's more likely for a cached font to be reused by a  
different site (pointing to the same URL) and name clashes are  

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2008 20:03:35 UTC