Re: [css3-namespace] Empty String Namespaces

Proposed changes:

Change #1: Append to section 3.1: Syntax

   | All strings—including the empty string and strings representing
   | invalid URIs—are valid namespace names in @namespace declarations.

   to clarify that the empty string is a valid namespace name.

Change #2: Add to section 3.3: Declaring prefixes

   | Where the empty string is not recognized as a possible namespace,
   | local names associated with an empty string default namespace
   | must be interpreted as being associated with no namespace.

   to define what the empty string means as a default namespace.

Change #3: Replace in section 4: CSS Qualified Names

   | In a CSS qualified name, a prefix that is declared to represent the
   | empty string namespace ("") is interpreted as representing no namespace.


   | When a CSS qualified name is used in a context (such as Selectors
   | [[SELECT]]) that does not recognize association with the empty
   | string namespace and lack of a namespace as two distinct, valid
   | possibilities, prefixes representing the empty string namespace
   | and no namespace must be treated as equivalent.
   | For example, given the namespace declarations:
   | @namespace empty "";
   | @namespace "";
   | The type selectors elem, |elem, and empty|elem are equivalent.

If there are no objections, these changes should close all remaining
(known) issues in the CSS Namespaces module and we can prepare for CR.


Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2008 22:41:05 UTC