RE: My solution of webfonts problem

Does shareable mean that you can permanently install the font, use the font on other pages while the page with @font-face is open, or ???

If the first, I can have a page that fills up the memory on your machine and take a long time to download a lot of fonts that may be good or ely bad...and you might not even know. This is evil from a security point of view. Could be mitigated by only downloading the font(s) used on the page that are not already installed. This seems to be a font distribution mechanism rather than a CSS styling technique.

If the second, one needs a reference counting mechanism or the font will be removed from use with an opened page.


Sent from my Windows MobileĀ® phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikodem <>
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 2:35 PM
To: www-style <>
Subject: My solution of webfonts problem

We could add some property to @font-face, eg.:

                font-family: "SomeFont";
                src: url("font.ttf");
                shareable: yes; // yes || no


Received on Saturday, 19 April 2008 07:16:54 UTC