Re: [css3-webfonts] Downloaded fonts should not...

Hi Paul!

On 11/04/2008, Paul Nelson (ATC) <> wrote:
> The inclusion of EOT as a part of CSS was rejected at the November
> 2007 meetings in Boston

Thanks for clarifying this :-)

>  I will ask for the CSS3 document to be edited.

Thanks :-)

If the inclusion of EOT as a part of CSS was rejected, I trust the
css3-webfonts editors will not include it by implication.

> A new working group will be created to standardize the EOT file format.

I have some technical questions about the EOT submission, and some
questions like the following which may be off-topic here. Should I
post further questions here, or wait for a mailing list to be set up
for that working group?

(Please ignore the following if it is off-topic.)

>  Permanently installing on a remote system is:
>  1. A security issue. I could put a style sheet that would fill your
> device's hard drive so you could not put anything else on the
> device. Sorry for the end user.

MSIE and typical User Agents have a "save image as" feature on the
right click menu when the pointer is over images in the viewport. Does
that present the same security issue? If not, what is different about
fonts that browser developers should look out for?

>  2. A licensing issue. A font may or may not be allowed to be
> installed permanently. It all depends upon the EULA. The safest
> thing for UAs to do is to temporarily install the font for use with
> the page using a memory only install.

MSIE and typical User Agents implement hard disk caches for many file
types, such as images. I assume you know why. Do you recommend UA
developers generally remove caching features for "safety"? If not,
what is different about fonts? Their file size is not trivial.


Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 01:48:08 UTC