cell inherit style properties from its column

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Ok. I can write in CSS "tr:first-child+tr+tr+tr+tr+tr td:first-child+td+td+td+td+td+td {...}" But altering this is not simple

>> It says nothing that style of col element can not be applyed to cell
>"cells are descendants of rows, never of columns"
Implicitly it means: 
Cells are descendants of rows
Rows are descendants of row groups
Row groups are descendants of columns
Columns are descendants of column groups
Column groups are descendants of table


>ince you have to take into account what cells span several columns, etc.
cells can span several rows too

>So you know which cell is in which column during stage 3, and not earlier. 
>But the stage where you would work out what the color property of a cell is step 2! 
As you see in an attachment. Background works fine. So you know which cell is in which column on stage 2! So there is no problem to inherit style for cells from columns.

NOTICE: w3.org RECOMENDATION does not say that: "You can not set style for col" or "All properties of style MUST BE ignored except: border, background, width,

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 13:34:43 UTC