Re: Printing Backgrounds

On Saturday 06 October 2007 22:10, you wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2007, at 3:07 AM, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> > With the difference being on the user side, I really don't think it
> > should be
> > controlable by the author.
> No one is arguing that the user should not be in control. It is more
> about the default, since most people never look at advanced printing
> options and risk changing something there. The design should be in
> the hands of the designer, until such point that the user decides to
> override it.

What I am saying is that whether or not backgrounds should be printed or not 
depends more on the user's hardware than on the design of the webpage. This 
makes the user's defaults more important than the authors. 

You might solve one problem with this; websites designed for easy printing but 
uses backgrounds, but you introduce a new; changing defaults which will 
surprise any user who know what he is doing, and expects his browser to 
respect his defaults. 


Received on Saturday, 6 October 2007 21:05:41 UTC