Re: Math WG Prioritized Requests

On Nov 6, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Robert Miner wrote:

> 5. Content sensitive selectors
> Spacing between MathML operators as well as some stretching and sizing
> properties often depend on content of mo token elements (in  
> accordance with
> operator dictionary). CSS3 had :contains() selector that could help  
> us to
> define content sensitive formatting of token elements.  
> Unfortunately this
> selector was removed, even so some CSS rendering engine support it  
> (Prince XML
> formatter). It would be nice to restore property in some form.

Anyone know why it was removed? It does seem like it would be useful.  
As would a content sensitive psuedo-element. Given this:

> Note: :contains() is a pseudo-class, not a pseudo-element. The  
> following CSS rule applied to the HTML fragment above will not add  
> a red background only to the word "Markup" but will add such a  
> background to the whole paragraph.
> P:contains("Markup") { background-color : red }

It would be nice to have something like the following to, say, bold  
all instances of my name in a document, without having to insert an  
explicit span or B element into the HTML markup:

BODY::equals("Brad Kemper") { font-weight:bold; }

There are probably many use cases for such a pseudo-element, aside  
from this frivolous example of my own name. So that instead of going  
through a document highlighting or bolding every instance of a word  
or phrase in the markup, you could just write a line into the CSS.

If such a thing existed, it might also be nice to match only the item  
when it is within word boundaries, perhaps using regex notation:

BODY::equals("Brad Kemper",\b) { font-weight:bold; }


Received on Thursday, 15 November 2007 16:46:34 UTC