Re: [css3-gcpm] Comments on Generated Content for Paged Media 2007-05-04

Also sprach Ladd Van Tol:

 > 3.1.2. Using Named Strings
 > Should define behavior for an undefined named string (empty string?)

So, if you encounter this:

   @page :right { @top-right { content: string(not-defined) }}

The result is nothing. Agreed. I suggest this text in section 3.1:

  If the named string has not been assigned a value, the empty string is used. 

 > 4. Leaders
 > "UAs should attempt to align leader patterns on a page." -- suggested  
 > language: "User Agents should attempt to horizontally align  
 > corresponding glyphs from the leader pattern between consecutive lines"

I agree that your text is better. For horizontal text, that is.
Leaders can also be vertical and the GCPM text was carefully written
to avoid "horizontal" or "vertical".

 > 5. Cross-references
 > It would be helpful to provide a mechanism to treat external page  
 > links differently. For many document types, it would be desirable to  
 > append "(see page nn)" to only internal destination anchors  
 > ("#someid"). An elegant mechanism for specifying this in CSS is not  
 > immediately obvious.

Right. A class name will do the trick, but it requires manual labor.

A selector for internal links?

  a[href^="#"]::after { content: "(see page " target-counter(attr(href, url), page) ")" }

However, it wouldn't catch links that are internal but look like they
are external.

 > 6. Footnotes
 > The first two examples have syntax issues. Suggest closing the <p>  
 > tags, and quoting the id value "words" .

Some dialects of HTML require this, yes.

 > 9.1 Hyphenate properties
 > Should specify allowed format(s) for hyphenation dictionaries -- is  
 > this TeX-style dictionaries? Making this UA-dependent would be bad.

Ideally, there would be one common format. In this case, I don't think
it's realistic to achieve and -- more importantly -- it's not that
important as hyphenation is a luxury. You can, however, specify a list
of different resources in different formats.

 > 10.3 The 'symbol()' list-style-type
 > Section header 10.3 should read "The 'symbols()' list-style type,  
 > assuming the contained example is accurate.

I suggest "symbol" as it:

  - is (slightly) shorter
  - extracts one single symbol from the list

Thanks for catching the error, though.

 > 20. Change bars
 > "To avoid these limitations, the beginning of a change mark is  
 > associated with one document and the end of a change mark is  
 > associated with another document." -- should read "one element" and  
 > "another element".


 > 22. Named page lists
 > Should coordinate terminology with that of Named Strings. Leaving  
 > value could be exit value.


 > 23.2. Index
 > In the example, the dfn tag should read: <dfn class="entry">

In section 23.3, yes. Nice catch.

Did you actually understand section 23? If so, you're among the chosen
few. Is it useful?

Great feedback, thanks!

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 7 May 2007 15:13:40 UTC