Re: Stylings only possible with Tables

On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 11:49 +0100, David Woolley wrote:
> Raul Dias wrote:

> > Consider this:
> > <div id="parent">
> >  <div id="column" style="float: left">
> In passing, this is a misuse of float.  Floats are are typographicsl 
> technique for including out of line content as boxes in the main content.

ok, in the light of css 2.1, how do you put 2 blocks side by side?
I fail to see another way for doing this.

> > 
> > If the phrase I showed before from CSS21 did not exist, adding
> > height:100%; to both #content and #column would solve the problem.
> There aren't too many problems for 100%, but if you have any lower 
> percentages anywhere, you mess up incremental rendering.
ok, I understand this.
So in the suituation above, having:
#column{ height: 90%; }
#content{ height: 100%; }
and the content dictates the #parent height (because of its content).
The incremental rendering just found out how much 90% is after rendering
#content later on, and then would have to go back to adjust #column's

Does it hurts the rendering so bad?
Or am I missing some point here?

> > - CSS hacks (negative giants paddings/margins) which usually break other
> > stuff.
> You are still proposing a CSS hack, namely the use of float for things 
> which aren't typographical floats.

Ok. I didnt see this as a hack, but I probably use float wrong too.
What is the tableless way for having columns with the same height
(without a hack)?

-Raul Dias

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2007 15:08:29 UTC