against counters: new property 'numbering'

Good day.

Way of counters is sophisticated.

(1) There are only two case in numbering:
all counters or one counter is displayed in item, i.e.

1. text
2. text
 2.1. text              /*** numbering=all ***/
 2.2. text
3. text

1. text
2. text
 1. text                /*** numbering=one ***/
 2. text
3. text

And new one property for LI, H1-H6 will be easier for user

li {
  numbering: all;
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
  numbering: all;

then complex construction with counters (like the following) !
Real life is narrower, than css-standard !

h2::before {
    content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) " ";
    counter-increment: section;
li::before {
    content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) " ";
    counter-increment: section;

(2) There is standard to separate counters: only by dot.
Therefore it's unnecessary to give possibility to glue counters
through other mark of punctuation (like in example above) -
_life is narrower, than css-standard_.
Thus LI,H1-H6 don't need '::before' and 'content' for this purpose.

But H1-H6 need property 'header-style-type',
which is analogous to 'list-style-type'.

(3) Look at documentation of and
do you see prefix "chapter, section, etc" ? No !
These prefixes are used seldom.
And '::before' should be intended for this seldom case,
should be intended for experienced user.
But simple user want to create document quickly and simply.

Dmitry Turin

Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 17:27:48 UTC