Re: [Bulk] Re: 3rd call: CSS2: howto disable audio?


the problem with using display:none in a user style sheet is that the  
consequences are liable to be difficult to isolate to audio plugins  
Unless you have a proposed method to suggest....

images are relatively easy to hide with a user style sheet in contrast.


Jonathan Chetwynd

On 27 Jul 2007, at 16:26, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

~:'' ありがとうございました。 wrote:
> is there an inherent or natural reason that current browsers don't  
> play any audio formats natively?

Are you sure they don't?  Netscape 4 certainly did.  Does IE?  I'm  
thinking bgsound and the like here.

In any case, I don't see what bearing this has on your point, nor  
really what your point is.

Note that using, say, display:none on a plug-in that produces sound  
will in fact stop it from doing so in some UAs.  But that's an  
implementation detail of those plug-in APIS.


Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 19:45:04 UTC