Re: CSS Block Model Additions: Caption

David Woolley wrote:
> James Elmore wrote:
>> The user may specify that any block will have a caption. The <caption> 
>> element, if specified, must be the first element inside the block 
>> element. If more than one caption element exists inside a single 
>> block, only the first one is used and the rest are ignored.
> This sounds like a content model for the styled language.  CSS rules 
> have to be defined in terms of selectors, instead.
Right, but my just saying that 'caption-side' applies to captions in all blocks 
would not be very clear, would it? I recognize that the paragraph above is part 
of the HTML / XHTML specification, but it makes the CSS part of my proposal make 
more sense. Does the example help any?

I'm not part of the html or xhtml groups and don't have time right now to join 
them. If the CSS group has interested people who cross boundaries into that 
group, I gladly will donate the idea for them to advance in the other groups. If 
no one is interested enough to carry the caption idea forward, well -- it is not 
the most important part of my proposal, only the easiest to understand.

Just so the group doesn't think that I can't tell the difference between CSS and 
HTML, I selected this feature because it was the easiest to document, not 
because it belongs only within CSS. I hope to produce proposed pieces of 
documentation for CSS Block Model Additions for margin-collapse, border-overlap, 
and possibly even one or two simple layout mechanisms.

I also am considering adding block-align features, which are similar to 
vertical-align, but allow blocks to align to each other -- alignment could be 
along the margin edge, the border edge, the padding edge, the content edge, or 
the content center. I am thinking that alignment could be vertical (block-align: 
left-border) or horizontal (block-align: bottom-margin)

All of these proposals are related to my original thought that Block elements 
lack CSS controls relating to groups of blocks, except for what little is 
allowed by the <table> element.

James Elmore

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2007 21:37:17 UTC