Re: float:center (was: Re: Alignment property proposal)

Alan Gresley wrote:
> Yeah, float center does sound bazaar :p. In your example, the floated text would simply float to the center of its' containing block.
> The inline boxes simply flow around both sides of the float. If two or more center floated boxes can fit side by side, then the first box in the source begins on the left of a row of floats for ltr direction or on the right for a row of floats for rtl direction. Clearing of floats would be archived with: left, right, both (both directions); and the additional values: center, left center, right center, left right.

This effect is probably where use cases are needed: where text flows 
around the center‐floated element. Personally, I can’t think of any.

> Another test case using negative margins on a container to achieved some balance at various intervals when resizing the width of the viewpoint. This is how would believe center floated boxes would behave.

Can’t this effect already be achieved with display: inline-table or 
display: inline-block combined with text-align: center?

Received on Thursday, 27 December 2007 17:31:40 UTC