17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column


17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column

The horizontal alignment of a cell's content within a cell box is
specified with the 'text-align' property.

This seems wrong. I think it would make sense to treat the block level element.

IE7 seems to be the only browser that respects this, though only
partially; IE7 only does when the block-level content has margin: 0.

When the margin-left or margin-right is auto, IE7 does what all the
other browsers do: position the content as it would if the TD were a
block level element.


The black bar shold be in the middle of the TD, according to this spec rule.

Monkey, so they say, is the root of all people today.

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 04:41:58 UTC