Re: CSS Generated content selection

On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 02:16 -0400, Barry Pannebaker wrote:

> This does not solve the overall question of whether a UA should supply presentation markers, (quotation marks, asterisks for bullets, etc), when HTML is cut and pasted into plain text, but perhaps it will help with one of the most frequent problem instances, that of quotation marks.
> (I realize that if this passes muster here, it will also have to be submitted to an HTML list.)

I think this will only complicate the copy/paste matter for the UA since
with <q> and <blockquote> elements the question is only "should the
quotes from the <q> element be copy/pasted". With your proposal however
there is simply no way for the UA to know how many lines will by
copy/pasted unless it would to keep the original number of lines.

Personally, I agree that if the user sees the quotes in the original
document it would be confusing and frustrating for him or her to see
them vanish in the pasted version.

	Thank you for your time.

               Regards, Zoffix Znet     

        ( , )

Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 09:54:46 UTC