Re: [css3-selectors] :parent selector

Mihai Sucan wrote:
> Is such a big document heavily styled? Most likely not.

I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here.  Why does it matter whether 
most large documents are "heavily styled" (whatever that means)?

> I am always inclined to use child selectors or any type of selector that 
> matches the elements I want, as long as there's no noticeable slow down 
> in my web pages.

That's fine.  If you're not caring about performance, don't care about 
performance.  The document you cited is largely aimed at Mozilla UI developers, 
where the large number of rules and large number of dynamic updates necessitates 
that some care be taken with performance.

Put another way, a 0.2 second slowdown in opening a new browser window is 
definitely "noticeable" by users.

> Is CSS geared towards web interfaces or towards styling documents?

Initially, the latter.  There's a certain amount of activity to accomodate the 
former now, since so many web pages are in fact web interfaces, not documents.

> Web authors need more powerful methods of styling their layouts, via 
> selectors and properties. Parent selectors are among those.

No one's arguing against parent selectors being powerful, or even desirable.  As 
soon as UAs figure out a sane way to implement them, they'll probably be added.


Received on Sunday, 24 September 2006 20:26:05 UTC