Re: [css3-selectors] :parent selector

> :parent would pick parentNode, it's not picking *which* parent node, it  
> doesn't need any further checks. It would work as if the following snippet  
> was given:

What happens if the relevant child is a several mega bytes down a
streamed document?  In particular, what happens if it changes the 
display mode, in particular to none.

What happens if there are multiple cases matching different rules.  If
the last rule applies, this could cause the style to continually alternate
as the document loads.  What if one of the intermediate ones is display:none
and later ones override it?

Note that each change requires the styles to repropagate from the parent.

Generally, I don't think you have considered incremental rendering and
you haven't really considered that a parent can have indefinitely large
numbers of children.

Received on Sunday, 24 September 2006 13:05:33 UTC