Re: [CSS2 counters] Is it possible to evaluate a value inside CSS?

At 21:57 15-05-2006, you wrote:
>Why not to define
>li:nth-child( 1 ) ... {  background-image: url(1.gif);  }
>li:nth-child( 2 ) ... {  background-image: url(2.gif);  }
>li:nth-child( 3 ) ... {  background-image: url(3.gif);  }
>and so forth? A bit noisy but will work...
>Andrew Fedoniouk.

I know that works but that is not very fun, nor a trick ;)

What i wanted was to use the counter value and have the values 
increment automatically and evaluate to a string that in turn is a 
image tag, that way we can have different images for different 
bullets and not have to do all that CSS code :)   

Received on Tuesday, 16 May 2006 12:23:04 UTC