Re: [css3-box] padding-start/end

On Friday 2006-06-16 16:56 +0100, Mike Bremford wrote:
> CSS3 doesn't yet define a padding-start, padding-end, margin-start or  
> margin-end attribute, despite the fact   that these are needed to  
> correctly render lists when direction is rtl.
> As almost every layout engine has implemented this somehow, could we  
> get it added to the next WD to make it official? I imagine those  

There are a bunch of proposals for how to incorporate these into the
cascade, but there's a good bit of complexity involved, and it's not as
trivial as adding them to the next WD.

Some old threads are

but I can't find fantasai's more recent proposal.


L. David Baron                                <URL: >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Received on Saturday, 17 June 2006 15:55:07 UTC