Re: display: none

Also sprach Jonathan Chetwynd:

 > thanks for your response, that was my appreciation, so how obtuse  
 > would it be to enable: body * {display:none;} h4 * {display:block;}

You wanted to see h4 elements, no? If so, I suggest: 

  body * { display: none } 
  h4 { display: block }

You will still see textual body content, and h4 elements within tables
of 'div' elements are deleted.

 > I'm considering CSS from a user perspective as per my previous  
 > thread: specificity and user style sheets.
 > The issue being that from an accessibility perspective this is pretty  
 > significant, say comparable with 'alt' content.

I agree there's an accessibility issue here. For this reason, I
provide an "outline view" style style sheet for this document:

It uses a variation of the above code snippet. 

 > People with cognitive disabilities could benefit from a simple method  
 > to sort through links on complex pages.

In Opera, you can use 'q'/'a' to navigate in links, and 'w'/'s' to
navigate in h* elements.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 4 June 2006 17:14:22 UTC