Re: [Selectors], XSLT, and a browser's internal view of an xml document

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> STTS modifies the DOM.  CSS does not.  Selectors is just a selection 
> mechanism.  I _really_ don't follow what your equality above means.

I'd like to remind the people reading this thread that Selectors are not
only used in STTS 3 as a selection mechanism !!! They are also used to
describe document fragments...

   div > p[align="center"].foo > span.important + span.warning

is, in STTS 3, also a flat description of

   <div><p align="center" class="foo"><span class="important/>
      <span class="warning/></p></div>

that can be used on the right-hand side of declarations.

In my mind, Selectors are MUCH more than a selection mechanism.


Received on Sunday, 29 January 2006 17:10:16 UTC