Re: ::inline Pseudo-Element

The content property is restrictive.  Going back to the email I sent in 
about using a pseudo-element to represent mulitple backgrounds (to 
simplify the background property) 
[], if it 
were then possible to attach a z-index value to the background 
pseudo-element, it would be possible to have mutliple foreground images 
as well as multiple background images.  Content, on the other hand, is 
useful for image replacement, but not for when you want an image to 
overlay text (which does happen).

Ben Ward wrote:

>Hi Daniel,
>This particular use-case is actually solvable in two other ways that
>doesn't require this new element.
>> <h1 class="abc"><span>This will be replaced with an image</span></h1>
>> > span { display: none; }
>> { background-image: ...; }
>Instead, in existing CSS implementations you hide content with a
>negative text-indent:
> { text-indent: -400em; }
>That is understandably rather hacky, but in CSS3 the content property
>is extended to apply to all elements, not just ::before and ::after.
>As such, you can elegantly replace (remove) inner content.
> { content: ""; }
>::inner does make sense to me in a lot of ways, but I honestly can't
>think of a use case that isn't covered acceptably by other parts of
>CSS (not that I've been thinking very hard).

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Received on Monday, 16 January 2006 00:11:38 UTC