Re: Selectors: section 6.5: Error

> 2. Specify what happens when multiple elements share the same ID. I 
> would prefer the style rule to be applied to both such elements. 

Whilst I would prefer a world in which specifications could use 
"don't care" rules, my vote, amongst the two options here, would be to
only honour the first one, as honouring all occurences makes ID selectors 
indistinguishable from class selectors, except for the namespace, and
given that elements can be in multiple classes, that wouldn't be
very useful.  Honouring just the first ought to be easy to enforce
even if the matching mechanism naturally finds all matches, as the
ID can be modified in the DOM, so as not to match for this purpose.

The reality though, is that I suspect that any move to defined behaviour
will be based on what the majority of browsers already do in this

Received on Monday, 2 January 2006 13:19:43 UTC