Re: [Selectors], XSLT, and a browser's internal view of an xml document

Hi Orion,

Orion Adrian wrote:
> As to your points about embedding CSS style attributes, CSS is best
> used when it's cascaded, yet another reason it would be somewhat silly
> to XMLize. Remember not everything needs to be in XML and not
> everything needs transformation services.
I almost completely agree with you - CSS is a *great* way to style up 
semantically rich XML documents. The problem with CSS is that it can't 
really be used to define animations, which means that JavaScript is 
being used instead. I think it's important to seperate the 
presentational behavior (show/hide content, fade in/out, etc.) from the 
structural behavior (insert/remove/update content.) This will be 
possible when (if) XBL becomes properly supported also in non-Gecko 
browsers. I envision a world where JavaScript and the DOM or XBL is 
being used to dynamically update the structure and content of a 
document, while XBL and SMIL is being used for animations and CSS for 

Daniel Schierbeck

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2006 18:01:58 UTC