Re: Proposed ::last-line and ::last-letter selectors

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 > Andrés wrote:
 >> justify is justify, not left. I want all lines justified, *all*, which
 >> I select.
 > But this is not a useful behavior.  I suggest looking at a newspaper or
 > book sometime -- that's how "justify" should behave.
 > Speaking of which, perhaps the CSS2.1 spec should explicitly say
 > something to this effect.  It seems to assume people understand what is
 > meant by "justify", and we now have evidence that this is not the case.

It mentions it under the 'direction' property:

'[it specifies] the position of an incomplete last line in a block in 
case of "text-align: justify".'

I think 'last' may be superfluous there, but that's another issue; it 
would indeed be good if all these issues were explicitly discussed in 
the section on 'text-align'.

Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2006 03:33:57 UTC