Re: Printing a Book with CSS

I wrote:

 >  > Another short title ....................... 5
 >  > Here's an another title and this one
 >  > isn't so short ............................ 8
 >  > 
 >  > How would one control the amount of free space on the right?
 > You could do this by specifying a longer string:
 >    leader('........')
 > The string has to be shown at least once (we're making the rules here)
 > so if it doesn't fit on the line, it will be moved down. 

Mmm, no. The long leader solves some problems, but not yours. Perhaps
we need a list-line-indent or something:

  li { last-line-indent: -3em; }


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2005 12:01:27 UTC