Re: IDs, Classes : could CSS usefully use a third (abstract) concept ?

David Woolley wrote:
 >>Looking at a colleague's CSS recently, I couldn't help but
 >>think that "good" CSS might be a lot easier to compose if
 >>CSS were to support the concept of clustering.  By this
 > This is just a variation on the macro facility proposal that
 > comes up frequently.

I agree, although syntactically it fits well with existing CSS
 > The problems are that it is something that can easily be done
 > by an authoring tool or server side pre-processor

Agreed : I am considering the case where an author must (or chooses
to) work without such a tool.  Once the existence of a universal
authoring tool is postulated, one can only too easly dismiss
any suggestion which is intended solely to make the work of
an author simpler and more intuitive.

 > and that these
 > proposals tend to assume that there is no cascade and only a single
 > author and fail to consider how the new feature will cascade.

I didn't neglect the first (the existence of the cascade), nor
did I consider only the case of a single author : however, I
/did/ assume (perhaps reasonably) that only one author would
work on a single style sheet at any one time.  I think the
cascade issue is something of a red herring here : the
proposed "named cluster" of properties would be local to
the CSS file within which it is used, or (if it can be
stored separately and imported), then local to the file(s)
into which it is imported.  I'd be interested to know why
you feel that the cascade is important here.

Philip Taylor

Received on Friday, 11 March 2005 12:54:29 UTC