Re: The Core Beliefs of Usability and Their CSS Application

On 7/7/05, Laurens Holst <> wrote:
> Orion Adrian schreef:
> > Microsoft has stated that they're going to move towards improving what
> > they have produced rather than producing new features. That's good
> > news for me.
> Isn't that exactly what the CSS WG is currently doing, what you are
> constantly critisising, and opposite to what you are proposing?
> Why do you applaud that when Microsoft does it, but critisise it when it
> is the W3C that does it?

No one has complained recently (last 10 years) that I have heard that
Microsoft is lacking in features. CSS on the other hand has received
those complaints. Also I have no fear that the next version of Office
will be delayed because of this. Microsoft has a track record of
producing a usable version of Office every 1-3 years, not 3-5.


Orion Adrian

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2005 14:48:25 UTC