Re: Is There a Problem?

On 7/2/05, Laurens Holst <> wrote:
> Mark Moore wrote:
> >So, let me say that I agree *very* strongly with Adam and Orion that the CSS
> >standardization process is unacceptably slow.
> >
> >
> As far as I can tell, implementors are currently not held back by the
> progress of CSS.
> Had they been implementing all of CSS3 that is available now as a CR,
> and been held back by the supposed 'slowness' of the CSS WG, then your
> argument would have made sense.

Um? Have they been implementing any of the recommendation that isn't
in CR? If the answer is yes (I would hope they aren't implementing
unfinished specs), then I would say they are being slowed down.

Orion Adrian

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2005 18:06:01 UTC