Re: CSS is doomed (10 years per version ?!?)

Having agreed with some of Orion's earlier
ideas, I cannot help but disagree with him
very strongly here :

> No, I'm saying that if Microsoft produced a replacement for CSS or
> XHTML or whatever, I'd probably like it because they've bothered to
> create a feeling of trust in the company. I get the impression from
> them that they listen and aren't idealists. They care about my ability
> to program and to make a living. They care about my ability to write.
> That's why I would probably like what they have to offer.

I, on the other hand, would probably hate it.  Microsoft
would (I believe) keep the spec. secret, modify IE to
exploit it, and at the same time do their d@mndest
to prevent Mozilla (and analogous browsers) from being
able to use it.  Sorry, but past history demonstrates
only too clearly that this is how Microsoft operates.
It makes them very successful, and very profitable, but
of course opens the door to anti-trust actions.   If you
had written Adobe where you has written Microsoft, I might
have had some sympathy (Adobe have been /reasonably/ good
at making PDF quasi-open (in a read-only sense)), but
Microsoft unfortunately prefer to dominate by secrecy
rather than by competing on a level playing field.

Philip Taylor

Received on Friday, 1 July 2005 13:05:45 UTC