Re: Supporting propriety "Extensions"

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Second: Does something like -moz-border-radius prevents
> anybody to use it on the Web? No. We've already seen such sites.
> And will see in the future. Exactly in the same way as IE introduced
> its own set and without any -ie-xxxx and with the same result.

The difference is that authors that use such features are (or at least 
should be) aware that the properties are experemental, work for only one 
UA family and their effect may change or be removed entirely in future 
upgrades, at least until such properties have been defined in a 
recomendation and implemented properly by the UA.

> @in_case_of  public_ua_name_1
> {
>    ....
> }
> @in_case_of  public_ua_name_2
> {
>  ...
> }
> @otherwise
> {
>    ....
> }

This is as problematic as browser sniffing with JavaScript.  It would 
encourage authors to develop different styles for different browsers, 
rather than developing for standards.  (CSS hacks already have a similar 
effect when used poorly; but they are, unfortunately, a necessary evil 
until UAs get their implementation correct.)

Lachlan Hunt     Rediscover the Web Reclaim your Inbox

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2005 08:05:33 UTC