Re: [css3-background], comments on 'border-radius'

On Tuesday 22 February 2005 00:58, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> ---------------------
> Does anybody counts *number* of attibutes existing and proposed?
> As for now there are far more than one hundred in CSS table.
> Almost quarter of them can interfere with each other creating
> non-manageable number
> of test cases and exceptions in documentation "but if ... and ... or ...
> then ... only if container is ... end next element is"
> My point is simple: If we need to, we should add one feature which covers
> three such "half-features" for the sake of KISS at least.
> BTW: why just do not define a minimal subset of SVG (no CSS and no script -
> pure graphics) and to use it as a
> background-image?
I agree completly. As someone who has tried to implement new CSS3 features, 
they often seem completly ridiculous and has too many corner-cases that has 
to be considered. A more generic solution like depending on a minimal SVG 
standard  would make the standard clearer, make the job of the implementor 
easier, and make it more likely that every implementation has the same set of 
features (rather than every browser implementing a few of the hundreds of new 
properties and values).

Even then the border module is not nearly as bad as the list module, which 
appears to want enumerations for every language and alphabet in the world.


Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 09:50:22 UTC