Re: styling xml with css - copying xml attribute values into CSS attribute values

Hi, Orion.
  You wrote: "What XHTML does do is describe the relationships between
  the paragraphs, images, headings, sections, and the document/page
  That's what I meant by "display semantics". XHTML tags are interpreted  by browsers as having specific CSS display properties implicitly.  Custom mark-up requires explicity CSS display properties.
  You wrote: "XHTML doesn't represent the meaning of the data, just the structure
  used to communicate that data.
  So what is it you're really asking for?"
  Let people write their own hypertext languages. Let  them use CSS to specify what those languages mean to browsers, to  search engines, and to people interested in the display semantics of that mark-up. 
  Custom hypertext languages will:
  - meaningfully describe the content they contain. 
  - express relationships closer to those in docbook, opendocument, and the ms word document xml. 
  - provide hypertext information by CSS mark-up to machines and spiders.
  They'll also be easier to read and to write than XHTML.

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Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 21:12:39 UTC