Re: Gradients in CSS3?

Laurens Holst wrote:
> The cascading can in theory make it degrade well as Matthew pointed out, 
> but: will authors specify a fallback colour? For every author that 
> doesn’t, the page is probably impossible or very hard to use on browsers 
> that don’t support those gradients. So, the syntax would at least need 
> to inherently provide a fallback, like:
> background-color: blue;
> background-color-gradient-to: top-bottom red;

That's not necessary, gradient() would degrade in exactly the same way 
that other relatively new colour functions will in existing browsers. 
(e.g. rgba(), hsl(), etc.).  We shouldn't complicate the syntax in order 
to force some form of graceful degredation upon lazy authors.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 08:35:43 UTC