Re: CSS selectors and xml:id

Robin Berjon wrote:
>> I think it is better to keep the language abstract, because there are
>> no XML formats that allow xml:id yet, let alone formats that are
>> supported by CSS UAs, so we won't be able to test such a statement.
>> And that would keep CSS 2.1 from exiting CR.
> SVG Mobile 1.2 explicitly requires xml:id support. This means that SVG 
> 1.2 UAs will support CSS styling of documents containing xml:id. I don't 
> know if Batik already supports xml:id but I wouldn't be surprised if it 
> did. There's also been discussion about this in Mozilla and it looked 
> like xml:id would be going in.

So do those UAs implement all of CSS2.1? As you should compare the 
specification as a whole, not just feature for feature between two 
specifications who happen to have that feature interoparably implemented.

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 09:49:42 UTC